About us
For the Love of Dog was founded in 2004 by a group of like-minded Rottweiler lovers who wanted to avoid the politics of other rescues. Over the course of time (and Hurricane Katrina), the group included the very-misunderstood bully breeds, as well as an occasional mixed breed dog, and even a kitten!
Over the course of the last 20 years, the group has rescued more than 3000 animals and assisted with the rescue of thousands of others.
In 2004, the majority of our animals came primarily from shelters in New England, New York, and New Jersey. Due to highly-successful no-kill campaigns across the country, most northeastern shelters have accomplished live release rates over 85%, allowing us to expand our intake to locations as far away as Texas, Florida and Mississippi. Our rescue proudly boasts a live release rate of over 90%.
Thank you.